Eco Schools
Most young people care deeply about environmental issues and wish to make a positive change in the environment around them. The Eco-Schools programme provides an ideal way for fostering environmental awareness in the entire school in a way that links to many curriculum subjects. The primary aim of the Eco-Schools programme is to educate and empower young people to make positive decisions and become change makers for an environmentally sustainable world.
We are very proud to be an Eco School.
We renewed our Green Flag Status in June 2024. This year we are working to maintain our green flag. Our main topic is waste, and our minor topics Litter and Outdoor Play
To date we have been very busy completing all aspects of our action plan. This includes:
-reducing waste through recycling and re-using
-further development of our outdoor areas specifically our lower garden
-focus on forest school activities and celebrating outdoors with termly outdoor classroom days
-Registering for the Cash for Clobber Scheme
-litter picks in the school grounds and around the perimeter
-engagement with other professionals and organisations such as ABC Council, Field Studies NI, Men's Shed Armagh
We also continue work on other areas of our Eco programme, for example:
-Taking part in an Oxford Island programme all about birds and taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch
-Working our our RSPB bronze medal
-creating homes for birds and minibeasts in our outdoor environment
-completing our daily mile
-providing each family with a healthy living pack
-Roots and Shoots Club- Garden clean up....and much, much more
Railway Street Nursery School, Railway Street, Armagh BT61 7HP
Phone: 028 3752 3472